Here's a quick video showing the advantage of using characters in a software training project to help give learners context of how they'll use the software on the job.
This free Storyline file is from a project we built to help users learn about a new HR System called Workday.
We created characters with different back stories to help add context to the ways you'd use this system. We used the screen recording feature in storyline to create "demo" and "test" modes so that learners to practice using the system in a safe environment.
We gamified the screens so that as you help each character, you work toward a badge that shows you can perform the skills a manager needs.
Click here to see what the sample file looks like when it's published. See if you can click through and earn your badge.
This file has none of the screen recording, but gives you the slides you can use to add character stories and simple gamification for your own project.
This is an example of one of the character stories.
This features the actual screen recording. See if you can help John find his paystub so that he can get a boat loan.
Learn to create custom states for Storyline.
Gamify with a custom counter for each character.
Learn to create the check mark effect using custom states.
Karl helped them decide between Train-the-Trainer workshops and outsourcing the work. Just ask and he could do the same for you.